Dissident Orthodoxy
Dissident Orthodoxy
Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Action, Words, Focus

Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Action, Words, Focus

In 1932 Dietrich Bonhoeffer delivered a sermon in Berlin titled "The Things Above." Today Casey reads the text in its entirety. Listen to the way Bonhoeffer, speaking in a time of heightened fascist/authoritian/right wing rhetoric and crisis (sound familiar?), has the audacity to direct his hearers to the spiritual realities of the Christian faith. This, he does with the explicit charge that his hearers would take this incomprehensible spiritual truth out into the world to fight the injustice being waged by the strong-armed rulers of his day.  

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Music: Aaron Perman  https://soundcloud.com/small-fish 

Art: Phil Nellis  https://www.flickr.com/photos/el_nellis/

Dissident Orthodoxy
Dissident Orthodoxy
Politics, history & religion from a leftist, Christian perspective. No war but class war. Socialism=good. Capitalism=bad.
(Formerly Public Theologians)